How do you make Data Driven Decisions? - SmartKarrot l Customer Success Software
Episode 21 02:07 April 18, 2023
How do you make Data Driven Decisions?

In this Episode

Content at the end: To make data-driven decisions, the foundation is to start with a single source of truth, and then to be able to push that out to teams, systems, etc. for everyone to have that same consistent data.


Rohan (18:50)

I know data and have come across this through numerous conversations that data does play a big, big part on.. you know.. how you promote your conversations, your strategies and a lot of other things. And so what data is important and how you leverage it is a bigger piece, right? So, you have a ton of data. So, you have multiple sources, you have so much volume of this data. So, how do you make sense of it today in helping you take the right decisions?

Seth Dovev

That’s a great question. So, what we’ve done, obviously it, it takes, it takes a village.. so it’s not just CS. I think for us it’s.. first is.. making sure you have data hygiene, number one. And that’s something that we’re working really hard on and, and it takes time. You know, different people come and go and different people have different processes, but we really want to try and have alignment with our data team and having a data warehouse, right? Um.. to be able to really be able to have a source of truth, and then to be able to push that out, you know.. across whatever system, whatever team, and have hopefully that same consistent data. That’s part one. I think the other thing is..

You know.. for us.. when we have to make a decision, it is data-driven. Um.. so we, we actually practice what we call decision memos in, in at our company, which is really a way for us to work.. make changes pretty quickly.

So what we’ve found to be really helpful is to have some, a format that anyone in the company can create a decision memo, have a specific executive leadership to, to kind of sign off on to help drive whatever change the business needs. And that’s really from a.. a top-down, it has to.. has to prove value and be the right move for our business, which is really data focused.

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Seth Dovev

As the Senior Director of Customer Success at Chili Piper, Seth Dovev is renowned for his expertise in mentoring and guiding businesses to prioritize customer satisfaction and scale efficiently.

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